It’s your responsibility to give your kid the competitive edge. Master my list of top 6 skills to make your child the smartest one in the class so they’ll succeed in the future. The world is not perfect and we all know that children developed at different rates, but these skills should at least be in progress.
There are many opportunities throughout the day that you can work on these skills with your child. Don’t make this a drill. Make it fun and enjoy some quality one on one time with your child.
- Restroom Etiquette
- Must to potty trained
- Asks when need to use the restroom
- Can use the restroom without assistance (this does not mean that an adult should not be present)
- Flushes toilet
- Washes Hand
- Throws paper towel in trash can
- Fine Motor Skills
- How to use scissors (child size left handed scissors can be purchased from parent teacher stores)
- Correct pencil grip (rubber grips are available to slide on pencils to help child grip pencil properly)
- Name Writing
- Knows how to properly use paints and brushes (not mixing colors together)
- Knows how to use glue, paste and glue sticks
- Gross Motor Skills
- Catch a ball with two hands
- Jump with two feet
- Skipping (this takes practice)
- Self Help Skills
- Ties own shoes
- Can open and unpack a lunch box
- Throws away the trash
- Puts away their own backpack and coats
- Helps clean up toys and projects
- Classroom Etiquette
- Can take his turn
- Works independently
- Can sit in circle for 10 minutes or longer
- Can stand in a line
- Can follow directions
- Basic Knowledge
- Knows first and last name
- Can recognize his own name in print
- Knows parents names
- Knows his phone number
- Knows basic shapes
- Counts from 1-10
- Knows that letters make words
- There are spaces between words
There so many fun ways to introduce and practice many of these skills. Check my boards out on Pinterest, there are so many great ideas to reinforce these skills.
6 Ways to Make Your Kid the Smartest One In The Class …
Smart smart smart…
Love the information.