I know that my teachers really appreciated money. Often the class mother would call all the mothers and dads and collected a given amount from each. Sometimes parents did not want to participate and that was their choice. A heart felt letter is also a very good choice. I often sit and read my letters and cards on a day that I need a extra lift. The biggest no no is a Teacher Mug. Really there is only so much coffee one can drink, and besides hot beverages are not allowed in the classroom.
Ask Rachel: Teacher Appreciation
We all appreciate our child’s teacher. When we walk into a classroom and see 15 kids in a room , our first thought is I could never do this on a regular basis. But all you see is what is in front of you. As a parent you have no idea the countless hours of planning and prepping that goes into a school day. More times than not a teacher spends her own money on projects and curriculum.