You know that picky eaters have become endemic in the U.S. when The Onion takes time to parody the issue. A couple of our favorite suggestions:
- Set an example by eating anything your child hands you.
- If your child throws a tantrum when she sees veggies on her plate, try calmly explaining to her that you never pictured your life like this.
Sigh. If it all hits too close to home, here are a couple of helpful articles.
- The Huffington Post says these six words will end dinnertime struggles forever. (Try it and report back!)
- Rachel has her own creative suggestions for encouraging kids to eat lunch, like including them in the process.
If you decide to go the “cute lunch” route, be sure to enter our Instagram contest. We’re awarding a $50 Amazon gift card for our favorite photo!
If all else fails, remember this last word of advice from The Onion:
- Mealtime should be fun! Make a game out of how long you can withstand your child’s screams before digging chicken tenders out of the freezer.
Double sigh.